This compilation includes links to any researchers (grad students, profs, research scientists / engineers in industrial labs ... etc.) I am aware of and who explicitly offer for anyone* to reach out directly for scheduling research / career conversations with them. Most of the people I know are either in Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning or Algorithms (Theoretical C.S.), so this list will be heavily biased towards that. Let me know ([email protected]) if you know of more people, similar services, or other lists!

Researchers on this list have different preferred ways for reaching out that are mentioned either on their website or in the “Topics” column. Some have meeting links, some have forms, others might prefer an email structured in a certain way … etc.

*sometimes, researchers will specify certain demographics of people they would like to work with or mentor like researchers with non-traditional ML backgrounds or students from underrepresented groups. This is usually noted in the “Topics” part of the table below.

Name & Link Topics
Machine Learning Collective (list of researchers with office hours) (MLC) Career advice, research advice, grad school
Learning Theory Alliance (list of learning theory researchers with office hours) Career advice, research advice, grad school
ACL year-long mentorship program Career advice, research advice, grad school
Alan Chan Academic/career advice, How AI might impact your interests/field, Social justice work and AI, Mental health and personal advice
Erfan Miahi Having deep discussions about what they want in life, Mapping out a clear path for pursuing their passion, Having monthly meetings to follow up with their progress, And discussing how they can overcome the new obstacles that comes in their way.
Wilka Carvalho Research collaborations, career advice, studying the mind, pursuing undergraduate research, applying for fellowships, and graduate school.
Jia-Bin Huang Jia-Bin will be holding group open office hours for anyone. Feel free to sign up to connect, chat, or ask any questions.
Eric Jang Research feedback, research engineering feedback, and career advice / mentorship. In the past, Eric has focussed on mentoring ML researchers from non-traditional backgrounds. He has now expanded his office hours to include people from all backgrounds.
Esra’a Saleh Esra’a is happy to chat about anything related to ML research, grad school or career development. You can book a meeting through a calendly link in the home page of her website.
CSRMP program CSRMP matches students from historically marginalized groups with peers and a Google mentor to support their pursuit of computing research pathways
Jiayuan Mao Research ideas, projects or career plan related to AI/ML
Steven Kolawole General 1:1 chat link. Steven has experience being an independent researcher with ML Collective, which might be insightful to many people checking out this page.
For more about Steven, visit his website here.
David Abel David is always up for a chat -- shoot him an email if you'd like to discuss anything! If you would like to arrange a call, he has a recurring open slot in the calendar linked on his website when you click on his name.
Rupali Bhati Mentorship, networking, CSRMP, Women in Machine Learning (WiML), PhD applications, summer schools, imposter syndrome, life as an immigrant grad student
Paritosh Goyal Machine Learning, NLP, exploring life as an immigrant
Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula Krishna commits 2 hours a week to mentor underrepresented groups in robotics, computer vision, and machine learning. Form on his website.
Sudipta Ghosh Open to discussions on Large Language Models (LLMs). Reach out to Sudipta via email : sudipta002 at .
Elliott Wu Chat about any topics, in particular research in Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
Wei-Chiu Ma Wei-Chiu commits 1~2 hours every week to provide guidance, suggestions, and/or mentorships for students from underrepresented groups or whoever is in need
Mohammed Adnan PhD applications, life as an immigrant, research ideas. Feel free to drop an email at: [email protected]
Tongzhou Wang Tongzhou commits 1-2 hours per week to provide suggestions and/or mentorship to students from underrepresented groups or whoever is in need.
Zhijian Liu Zhijian commits 1 hour every week to provide guidance, suggestions, and/or mentorships for students from underrepresented groups or whoever is in need.
Vlas Zyrianov Vlas offers 2 hours of office hours every week to provide guidance, suggestions, and/or mentorship for students from underrepresented groups or whoever is in need.
Vincent Mai RL and any other kind of ML for real world agents.
AI applied to climate change aspects, especially, regarding the energetic transition. AI ethics and AI sustainability.
Reach out to him on LinkedIn (link given).
Veronica Chelu Research chats. Schedule through a calendly link on website.
Theresa Eimer Research chats or otherwise. Schedule through a calendly link on website.